A Year For Strong Women
8 September 2019
1948 was a year for strong women. Loretta Young won the Best Actress Oscar for THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER, beating out (among others) Ingrid Bergman as Joan of Arc. This typically sentimental "Our Passing Parade" short about an old-maid teacher in a one-room schoolhouse, played by Nana Bryant, won the Best One-Reel Movie Award.

Like all of the Passing Parade short subjects, it was written and narrated by John Nesbitt. Nesbitt would tell you what was going on, even as the performers proceeded to perform their actions. It's an old technique from silent movies, called "Animated Text" and it required good humor, a strong sense of irony and good writing, lest it turn into that bane of all narrated cartoons, "Radio With Pictures." Fortunately, it has those.

By the way, in checking the Oscar competition for 1948, I noticed that the best cartoon was TWEETIE PIE. I'm not sure how that fits into the "strong women" thought in the first paragraph.
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