Average yet somewhat fun horror film
6 September 2019
Annabelle comes home is a average one hour and 30 minute horror movie. With your usual jump scares and pretty much being there just to set up future Conjuring movies. The acting is of course great with Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga returning with the very little screen time they have. Even the teen babysitters are also likeable and do a good job with a funny boy friend character. Also some of the monsters can be cool like one is a werewolf but they don't tell you much about them, or their origins. So they can most likely make a whole movie on them in the future. There is a lot of humor also but this is a bit of an issue because it takes away a lot of the scariness from the movie mainly like I mentioned earlier with the boy friend character. Though the teenagers are are great one of them of course makes very idiotic decisions like usual with these types of movies. Overall the movie fails to live up to the amazing first two Conjuring movies and great Annabelle creation. By feeling very run of the mill and basic as if it was just there to set up more films though it does have a few good moments and creatures to make it turn off your brain summer fun.
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