I'm a better nurse because of the Housewives
6 September 2019
It may sound ridiculous, but this show has helped me become a better nurse. I don't think I've ever reviewed a reality show, just because these are real people and I don't think it's appropriate to critique peoples lives. With that being said, I started watching the real housewives of Beverly Hills while I was in nursing school; just to have some background noise while I studied. However, when I paid attention, it was truly eye opening to see how other people live. It may sound redundant, but these shows have really helped me to see things from other people's perspective and when I find myself in a conflicting situation, I try to put myself in someone else's shoes and to give people the benefit of the doubt. Because of these shows, I've become a more understanding and patient person. It has taught me that miscommunication is usually the key to many arguments, and with that, I am more cognitive in my communication, I don't dwell on the small stuff, and I try to be understanding when a disagreement happens. Additionally, these shows have taught me that no matter how much a person "minds their P's & Q's", not everyone is going to love you or want to be friends with you, and that's okay. It really is important to just be yourself and to be accepting of yourself and your flaws. We all must live our lives & stay true to ourselves and the ones we love, because at the end of the day, nothing else matters.

In these shows I've seen things from depression, anxiety, substance abuse, narcissism, manipulation, and many personality types and how they mesh together. It really has helped me to become a better nurse. I know these shows get a great deal of criticism and people always say they're trash, but I totally disagree. All of you housewives, keep doing you!
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