Grey's Anatomy: Death and All His Friends (2010)
Season 6, Episode 24
5 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The sheer ineptitude of SWAT and the police force as portrayed in this episode completely broke my suspension of disbelief (a mighty feat even for Grey's), especially when watched in today's climate of near-weekly mass shootings in the US; making it all but impossible to enjoy this episode on any level.

In no reality would any police force take so slow and ineffectual a strategy when tackling a mass shooter in a hospital. In no way would an officer who managed to get a successful shot off an armed suspect then not bother to even handcuff let alone apprehending said suspect - instead allowing him to shuffle off to terrorise 2 more floors worth of civilians who for whatever reasons have yet to be evacuated. It's almost glaringly insulting, as while Grey's has never been a show to aim for realistic portrayal of ANY profession (including their titular one) they generally avoid the banal pitfalls used by other shows of portraying incompetent law enforcement solely to increase the story's drama; yet this set of episodes (6.23-6.24) felt like their personalised submission to that particular category in the Hall of Lame.
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