Born to Die (II) (2018)
It was an attempt but could've been alot better
4 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Set in the future an evil corporation creates a perfect human but one of their workers decides to steal the child before they kill him because his own son was killed in an accident.

The strange thing about the plot of Born To Die is that it's not until nearly 5 minutes before the end of the film that we actually understand what the plot is. Therein lies the fundamental problem of the movie.

On a technical level there's a lot to be critical about. Now let me start by saying this film cost around £1000 so of course you can't expect much but I've seen better films made in the same price range so I'm comparing it against those.

There is a promising opening with a drone shot above the sea but as it turns out this is the peak of the film as its all downhill from there on. The sound is poor, oddly sometimes it's often better outdoors than indoors. The camerawork leaves little to be desired, there's no composition, no interesting use of lighting and no imagination in this area at all. The decision to go from colour to black and white is curious but in the end, pointless. Why is the past in black and white? It's not seen to be any more or less bleak than the present. It looks cheaply done, like someone just desaturated the raw camera footage.

There were some downright bizarre choices, namely to age the young boy into a teenager (who looked nothing like him) fell completely flat with me. Make no mistake, these characters are paper thin, the dialogue is cheesy, the acting is too often terrible barely scraping to average. The assassin, the senior lab technician - a teenager with a terrible moustache and the head of the corporation are all particularly bad.

There are good points, the story, however badly executed could've made for an interesting film and what they manage to pull off considering the budget constraints can sometimes be impressive. For all its faults I can see what was trying to be attempted but due to the previous issues outlined I simply could not invest in the story. The entire film comes across like it's been dreamed up by a Hollywood blockbuster fan with some imagination but with too much time and not enough money on their hands.
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