Wild Witch (2018)
A beautiful nothingburger
2 September 2019
The production work on this movie is breathtaking, especially for a Danish-language film. You can tell that someone threw a lot of money at it. The film really looks like a proper fantasy epic. Emphasis on 'looks like' because unfortunately, the writing doesn't come close in terms of quality or attention to detail. The plot is cliché and the dialogue is cringeworthy. It is unbelievable that it took 3 people to write this. Sometimes it flat out doesn't even make any sense and the viewer is left with more questions than answers. They use the word "wild" so many times we joked about taking a shot every time. Anyway, the wild world of wild witches with wild friends has the potential to be interesting but falls dissapointingly flat. The characters are underdeveloped although I think the actors did their best. Perhaps something can be said about three men writing a film targeted to a tween girl audience about a tween witch based on a book by a female author for female audience... Why not bring on a woman to co-write the script? I feel like the film desperately needs it. The relationship between mother and daughter feels disingenuous. The relationship between the two girls Kahla and Clara lacks build-up. The supposed "girl drama" at school lacks logic. Yes, middle school girl drama isn't always rational - especially not to three grown dudes - but really!? I won't spoil specific details, but you will understand what I mean when you see it. I thought the ending was the lamest ending in the history of endings. The scenery was the only wild thing in this film. I only gave it three stars because of the stunning cinematography.
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