A Bridge too far but still maybe fun for Nostalgia's sake.
1 September 2019
Yes in the book of Harry and Wally's "Rating the TV Shows." This series was a mistake to make when the movies had already been sequeled to death.However as it's said on other sites The November 1,1974 episode of the lady ape Fauna of whom is blind is definitely the best and most heart touching episode. It's called The Deception and for the reasons why as you'll see in reading my review of it. Sadly it was left out of the edited 2 hour TV Movies I guess with space being limited.But like some things this can be more popular in reruns.We may find some other sentiments here & there and throughout the series but other than this the 14 episode TV series was may have been more over a waste of time at the time.But still more Popular in Reruns.In episode#1 an ape boy has a dog and because someone hadn't done their homework as I'd seen elsewhere.But in one of he comics by Malibu Graphics they had a bubble that saved some wolves from the plague so maybe we can turn to that theory sometime.Also how The Movie of "Battle"of which is the fifth and final installment ends with the little or not known peacetime opening in 2070 A.D.with The Lawgiver telling the story to an equal Society of Human's and Apes.Which in bringing to Malibu Graphics attention they were just as annoyed by me as they were glad to have me there for them.I made the miniseries of Planet of the apes possible and though they mentioned in their intros at the start of each of the 4 issues the datas that I had brought to their attentions they didn't ever mention my name.Then when I wrote to Protectors re:#12 and my letter was seen in #16 I asked them to please keep it coming then they said that their POTA stuff is all over with now that they had a blast doing it and were glad that i was there for them.Ending with my name as Stephen "Steve" because I was in a rush which caused as a friend once put it to me a write-o and correcting me when i called something a typo instead.In Boom Comics they opened up their POTA#1 with the year of 2080 A.D. and with the diminishing of The little or not known Peacetime from "Battle."with a human in a ninja suit doing something unspeakable using his cross-bow towards the Lawgiver who ends up in a glass case and the humans and apes get to fighting among each other.So when we see the start of the opening of The POTA episode we now might know why they're not at peace.This takes place in 3085 A.D.and the 1st episode opens typically like each of the 3 movies did The 1st one and it's 2 sequels to follow.The characters of Virdon; Burke,Galen,and Urko really make the show but The Dr. Zaius of this era maybe takes more of a back seat but he still wants Virdon,Burke,and Galen to go to trial.Galen got to friends with Virdon & Burke because when he supposedly or otherwise accidentally killed a gorilla soldier and had to go to prison and then Virdon told him to step back so that when the door exploded he wouldn't get hurt it damaged the lock and then he got out & became a fugitive with them.The Following year Filmation does Return to the Planet of the Apes which contradicts the whole business as does sequel after sequel of POTA but even more so.In this Cartoon... well check out my review on IMDb for "Return to the Planet of the Apes."and see how?Though my prediction for a planet of the apes cartoon came true before I saw it had.My prediction for a Logan's Run cartoon to followThe Logan's run TV Series never did.

Truly,Stephen "Steve" G. Baer a.k.a."Ste" of Framingham,MA USA
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