Itsy Bitsy (II) (2019)
That was a fun little movie...
31 August 2019
Was it a masterpiece? No.... But it was a fun movie with good acting and good creature effects. Fun little addition for this coming Halloween, one I won't mind my kids watching when they want something scary. They love scary movies but finding age appropriate ones that are not full of ridiculous amounts of nudity or sexual content isn't easy. This one was clean and had a decent enough story to be entertaining. I don't see how it has anything at all to do with the nursery rhyme as it claims however, but that aside it was worth a watch. I will give a very simple summary without giving anything away for those that are curious about the basic story line but want to watch it for themselves. It is a basic creature feature and follows that formula.

After the intro that shows the origin of where the spider came from the movie jumps to a family that is moving across country for a job. The mother is a nurse, and long story short on their end she is looking for a new start with her children from a tragic past (yes its typical I know) the man that hired her is an older, retired archeologist with a house full of antiquity. Most of it appears to be from places like Africa and Brazil. Mostly tribal looking. Things happen, the story plays out in a predictable way yet still managed to hold my attention.

There are a few very familiar faces that I like. The sheriff (Rachel Creed in the original movie version of Pet Cemetary and Lt. Yar in Star Trek: The Next Generation among other things), one of her deputy's (Stranger Things and the tv show A Series Of Unfortunate Events) and the archeologist (Kingdom Hospital, The Excorcist, tv series and countless other things) and the kids in this movie are adorable and likeable.

Overall, if you are the type of person to nitpick every single detail looking for flaws then skip this one, but if you are like me and can just have fun with a movie and enjoy it as long as the acting is decent and do not mind that its not an "original" idea or some masterpiece then give it a shot. It would make a fun movie for a movie night with friends or family, or as background for upcoming Halloween parties, or for those that love creature features, or hate spiders and like to be creeped out lol.
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