Hidden in Plain Sight (2019 TV Movie)
Omg! Where do I start?
30 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst movie ever. It should be illegal to put trash like this out and waste the valuable time of the American citizen. It was predictable with a bad storyline and bad acting. Everyone is talking about the music being too loud. I guess so. The music for me wasn't even the issue. The big issue for me was just the bad writing and acting. A lot of the movie just made no sense. For example, when Danny was at the motel. Once he got free, he should have ran for his life and contacted the police. Once the mother found out what was going on and where he was, she should have contacted the police. Why didn't the motel lady call the police immediately? If it was me, I would have locked the doors, pulled the shades, hid the boy, called 911, grabbed my gun and waited for help. Then the boy called the mom from the front desk office. The motel lady is standing there like she doesn't give a darn. Meanwhile I think it was obvious there was a problem and he needed help. Then they come back home to get his stuff to flee. I stopped the movie at that point. I couldn't go on. Even though I wasn't paying attention that much, presumably the father knows where they live right? Why would they go back there? What if he was following them? And then she sends him up alone to get his stuff. Once she got him back from the father, it should have been straight to the police. Why didn't she speak to him about the father? This way he would know and wouldn't have gone with him. Why did he go with a stranger in the first place? Why did the school allow it? Where were all the kids and his teacher? I don't think he ever saw the dad right? So why would he just jump into a car with a stranger? I mean there's just so many stupid things that happen in this film. I could go on but I won't. Just do yourself a favor, don't watch it.
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