Monk: Mr. Monk, Private Eye (2006)
Season 5, Episode 5
Acting out of character.
28 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A few months ago, I was lucky enough to purchase a box set of all 8 series of Monk. My partner and I, are now watching series 5 - this episode to be precise. Whilst the series is thoroughly enjoyable to watch as a whole, there can sometimes be lapses in qualiy and continuety. The episodes and characters are usually written so well, by this point the audience have invested a great deal into the show. We genuinely care what happens to Monk. So it is highly anoying, when he acts out of character. The one thing that continues to drive Monk, is the unsolved murder of his wife. This is a possible explanation as to why Monk jumps into the sea, to avoid a murderer, his OCD would usually prevent such activity. Maybe I'm just nit picking?
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