After rewatching all Spider-man saga I finally understand that Far From Home is perfect movie for nickelodeon.
28 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I'm huge Spidey fan, I like Tom Holland, he is perfect as Peter Parker and as Spidey and FFH really great movie, but I don't like what's going right now in this universe compared to the other Spidey movies. I see that Jon Watts doesn't bother the superhero stuff and he want to do what he can do best - teen comedy. You all know that bad trip Mysterio what a damn bad ass scene but the other things sucks and it sucks so much that is actually..... hmm embarrassing? Jon Watts really has no excitement to play with setting, no entertaining fight scenes, it feels like some random dudes made action scenes because they needed to put somewhere the superhero stuff. But who cares when the last fight in the movie about Spider-Man and Mysterio was fight with drones. Is this what Spidey deserves? REALLY? It would be ok if it was creative. With London's awesome architecture you can give something cool but no. The CGI Spidey jumping around the drones is "much cooler". No improvements after Homecoming. Tom's Peter as was a little and pretty Mary Sue, as it is now. It was ok in prequel, like they changed uncle Ben to Tony Stark and he showed what is really like to be hero. It was ok in crossovers. But it's not ok to watch in the second time these "little pretty teens problems" within universe are impossible. Peter Parker is a legendary character with own drama, own story and with big scale. But Tom's Parker is just a Tony Starks little filler which looking at all pretends nothing. For two movies he didn't made something significant as character, all his decisions doesn't feels like it was made by human. It feels like decisions was made by figure to match canon or something because they seek to be likable all categories of viewers which is disgusting. Like remember Andrew Garfield performance in Spidey, you could praise or hate him or make atleast some kind attitude for what decisions he made because his Parker had an actual personality with his own attribute who could cry, kick some ass, make mistakes by emotional dullness. I believe some will say like "bUt tOmS sPIdEy only 16 yEArs old aNd aFtEr 20 MILLION MOVIES THEY WILL SHOW TRUE DRAMA 18+" mmm... I believe this some kind insane level and let me give you some examples about Spider-Man first years from another universe(15-17 years old)

Most recent one Insomniac Marvel's Spider-Man for PS4 (15 years old P.Parker) Even games takes place after 8 years old Spider work, games still mentions the early stages of his superhero stuff. 15 years old boy for a trash talk with katana takes a hit right to the liver with love from 200kg Wilson Fisk a.k.a. main criminal boss in NYC. After that, half death collapsed on girlfriends yard and probably would died if she didn't steal dads car to take him to the hospital which was first time in the practice.

15 years old Ultimate Spider-Man. After uncle Ben death Parker always came back home literally dying with broken face, bullet wounds. Was mentally plagued by best friend dad who almost sewed his girlfriend and knew his personality and after his stupidity revealing personality to Fisk who first of all broken kid's face with his comrades, removed the mask and roasted a young boy who had tears in the eyes, Fisk was threatening that he will do his surroundings right in the ahole. After that, holding his throat threw away from multi-storey building. And yes, after that he still going to school while mentally crushed.

17 years old Tobey - nothing to say here, you all saw it with your own eyes lol. Everything happens after spiders bite. Uncle Ben death, surviving the legendary Willem Dafoe who first of all kidnapped aunt May, "had fun" with Mary Jane. Then Peter almost get slaughtered by glider. In conclusion, greeny died in front of Peter and yet completing his request "that concerns Harry". Remember Peter's look at moment when camera zooms right to the face with torn mask. Damn.

17 years old Andrew Garfield - Well you know already. Starter pack with uncle Ben, the crazy lizard who has the only connection with his missing father, and the captain Stacy who right before death asked leave his family alone.

So, do you know what all they have in common? BALLS! FRICKIG BALLS! But not just fricking balls, but the balls of a youngster. This dudes don't even got a tip, a help or a lesson that lead to the right decision. The only lessons that they learned is in school while they got they ass kicked by psychopaths where experienced cop would be already hiding under the bed. Most important, is the first lesson that Parker gave to itself when cried over uncle Ben body. Parker never was a perfect superhero AND a man version of Mary Sue. Parker always made mistakes even in the obvious one and what is important he always faced the responsibility. Even he was doing his best, still he was making everything worse. And that's how he was learning from his OWN mistakes because he faced a serious consequences. You screwed up? Here's the sword on your chest. Screwed up again? Look that's Gwen Stacy laying death on your hands. Once again? Look without the mask when tomorrow fatty with his friends pay a visit to your aunt. He cried, he was broke, but still tried to hold the situation on his hands, he fought throught his last breath to do right thing. And what important he did all alone, without no help. He was making own decisions to do that or another and he doesn't care what the hell Nick Fury is saying or another authority d***. If Parker have opportunity to do something with his own hands, he will do it because he is a young boy with strong wills. And that's his thing.

The beginning of Spider-Man story it's not a funny gatherings, it's a dramatic story of a young boy who solo tries to change much in adult world, who doesn't have lucky ticket dropping from him consequences and responsibility. This is why I love Spidey. But now what happens in MCU, it sucks, feels like Marvel doesn't care, they like spare Parker, making a smooth transition for growing up which contradicts idea that understood Raimi, Webb and even Sony. Take away from Parker determination, responsibility for his actions and wish to help people on antinative world, it's just a school boy who climbs the walls.
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