Three Seconds (2017)
Well... not quite...
26 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have played basketball for 20 years for now and therefore studied the game history as well. It's a beautifully made movie, but with a lot of bad and over the limit details. Most annoying detail of the movie - if you ever are going to make historic basketball movie - get the correct basketball rims from that time, man. The softer, unbreakable rims with springs came tens of years later. That hurt my eyes. Secondly, please be real, russians throwing down between the legs dunks... Even in today's NBA I haven't seen that being done in-game. Not to mention all the other flashy and also pointguard dunks performed by russian players. The players in that era moved like robots, most of them. Elgin Baylor and Dr. J were the first ones to really play the game with more smoothly body movement. To me the russians just wanted to show off with the inaccurate and overly imposed basketball game as if the have some complexes with the final game. And they should not be so heroic with that Olympic game win because it was a total fiasco of the century in basketball sense. If the timeout is missed by the referee then that's it. Even worse, who was this baldy to go and tell table referees what to do. That's an Olympic final for gods sake! And I am from a country that was under Soviet Union control in that time. Anyway, not a total waste of time if you are not a basketball freak like me.
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