It's a good idea though
20 August 2019
I mean, I can understand why everyone likes this. It has great animation and setting, airs in a channel where Teen Titans Go airs 24/7 and some fresh air is always welcomed. But I think the show has more potential and originality to offer. I mean, the characters, with all those hints of deep backstories and dreams (even it's all for comedy effect... for now), can be promising, but I think it fails in one thing that most kids show have: it tends to be repetitive. Every episode that ends teaching some lesson is a lesson that they'll forget in the next episode. That's an issue I have with Adorabat actually; even her intents are okay, there are actually two episodes where she acts stubbornly and puts everyone in danger, so we already know how it's everything going to end.

Something I also noticed is that nonsensical fast-paced action some episodes have. Is this like that to satisfy older audiences? Because otherwise I don't really see the need of adding it. Yes I know the premise of the show but sometimes it looks unnecessary, and not funny actually.

Sometimes it looks like it's trying to follow Adventure Time's paths (even referencing it in an episode), with all that random humor and those themes from later seasons, but I know that something can be funny and awesome without being random or cliché.

PD: To all haters, please accept reality lol.
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