Star Trek: The Next Generation: Manhunt (1989)
Season 2, Episode 19
Lwaxana Looking for Love
20 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In "Manhunt" Troi's mother returns to the Enterprise to be transported to Pacifica for an upcoming conference. She is entering a new stage of her Betazoid life and is extremely hot to trot for Captain Picard. To avoid her, Picard hides in a holodeck as Dixon Hill until they drop her off.

There's really not a whole lot that occurs during this episode. Lwaxana is her standard, grating self. The writers use the same mind reading jokes for her they did the first time around. We waste a bit of time in the holodeck to flesh out the episode. The whole subplot with the fish people gets revealed to be a terrorist plot at the end of the episode in the most casual way possible. That plot is way more interesting and we barely even touch it.

Somehow though I still think this episode is slightly better than the previous two. There are a few scenes involving Riker I rather enjoyed. And Transporter Chief O'Brien always delivers a few good lines when given the chance.
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