Perception (I) (2018)
Gay men love Wes Ramsey...and he seems to love us back.
19 August 2019
Wes Ramsey has made a career of several somewhat T&A flicks, where he is usually the T&A. He has managed to do this effectively over the course of 15 years, passing very effectively from desirable athletic twink to desirable hunk. He is far and away the star of this film, being in 90% of the scenes and the center of the story. His acting seemed more natural to his characters as a younger man, and I think he has yet to find his chops as a mature character. In this movie, his hair, his crying, his overall affect, his voice, do not match his 40 years. He is still physically compelling to watch. Financing seems largely a product of the state of Kentucky, and the film joins one of many that have that state film board feel. This film has the overall feel of a passion project by a couple of friends on a small budget, but done very well for that. Co-writer Brian Smith appears from his photo to be 24ish. Ilana Rein appears to be a good friend. This seems to be their freshman effort, and it is a rather good one. The film has the polish of a much bigger production, but the writing and acting suffer from clearly being rushed. The writing and story are well crafted however. Lot's of planting and payoff. Reasonably good build of tension. In any event, an interesting film, worth the watch and a rewatch, especially worth it for any Wes fans. One of the writers clearly took the Chekov's gun lesson to heart, though not knowing the thing is a "gun" when it first appears kinda subverts the lesson. I do quite like the painting featured throughout the film.
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