Columbo: The Most Crucial Game (1972)
Season 2, Episode 3
Robert Culp's character seems incredibly on-edge and tense...
18 August 2019
An unusual feature of the show "Columbo" is that they recycled actors rather frequently. For example, in season one, Ray Milland (without hair) and Robert Culp were featured. Now, in season two, both are back--Milland (with his wig) and Culp. In fact, Robert Culp would make two additional appearances on the show...a testament to the loyalty the producers showed to many of their guest stars.

Paul Hanlon (Culp) is the high-strung manager of a pro football team. The owner (Dean Stockwell) is a drunk playboy...with little interest in the team or his other business interests. Apparently, this or something else rubbed Hanlon wrong, as he killed the owner and made it look like he died in his swimming pool by accident. But to do this, he dressed up like an ice cream man and did the vile deed during one of the team's games. Is this plan fool-proof or will he end up being caught because his plan wasn't quite so perfect.

In addition to Stockwell and Culp, this was a rather star-studded episode. Additionally, James Gregory, Valerie Harper and Dean Jagger appeared in the show. Together, they are all excellent...and it helped that the script was intelligently written and interesting.

By the way, I am no lawyer but I wondered about something. Someone in the show was involved in doing illegal wiretaps. Later, Columbo was listening to recordings of these illegal taps. Is that legal? It seems if they were illegal that the police cannot use them in any way...but I certainly am no expert.
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