Innocent Man Exonerated
17 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Very compelling docuseries about Nick Hillary, a man accused of killing 12 year old Garrett Phillips. What I found the most shocking was that Nick Hillary had two air tight alibis proving his innocence and yet was still charged in the murder of Garrett Philips.

Then to top it off, you had Jones, the ex-boyfriend of the victim's mother, who was law enforcement and very eerily embedded himself into the investigation from the very beginning, was also on camera the day the boy died within proximity of the child riding down the street. Jones and Nick BOTH happened to be within close proximity of the boy as he rode down the street, and NEITHER saw him. Based on video shown, it was a gloomy, rainy day and I'm sure both men had priorities elsewhere. YET, because Nick was near the boy, he became a suspect, but Jones, also near the boy and on camera, was never seriously looked at. The double standard was clear.

It's beyond belief that law enforcement wasted all this time and energy investigating a man with an alibi all because supposedly this kid didn't like him, because the kids at school made fun of him because his mother was dating a black man. This magically becomes a motive for why an otherwise upstanding man murders a child. This makes no sense. Especially not when you consider that Nick and Tandy were separated at the time of the murder, and while Nick wanted to be back with Tandy, he wasn't being aggressive about it. In fact, he was slowly interacting with her less and less. That's not the sign of someone obsessed with you. It's clear Nick was moving on. Who wasn't moving on? Jones. He clearly became attached to Tandy from the hip right after the murder. If someone did kill the child to get to the mom, who exactly made headway doing that?

Jones is also the one with a temper. Tandy had stated that she was afraid of him, and feared for her children. Does it get clearer than this? Not to mention that when Jones suspected Tandy was seeing Nick, Jones went to NIck's home (a stranger to him) to confront him. Who does that??

A normal person would simply ask their girlfriend for the truth. If you don't trust her or think she's lying, why are you still with her? In the interviews, Jones acted all nonchalant like he couldn't care less about who Tandy dated, yet clearly the second he heard a rumor she might be seeing Nick, he went over to his house to confront him about it. That's not normal behavior.

Ultimately, there isn't enough evidence for me to say Jones is guilty. But he looks like a better suspect to investigate than Nick ever did.
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