I was blown away
15 August 2019
I'm just gonna lay it all out right now. I absolutely loved this movie. From start to finish I was smiling, laughing, crying, and as the credits rolled, I looked over at my friend who was with me, and all we could just say was "wow." I can't even begin to put in to words just how much I loved it. The Peanut Butter Falcon revolves around a young boy named Zak, who has down syndrome, and how he follows his dream of becoming a professional wrestler. Along the way he meets Tyler, and together they form an unbreakable bond with one another, and go on the journey of a lifetime together. The writing is all around, really good, and as of now, this is my main contender for best screenplay at the Oscars next year. But what blew me away most about the film is the performances. I honestly had to remind myself at one point that these two men are actors, because their performances just feel so real. Shia Labeouf gives without a doubt the best performance of his career here, and it will for sure garner him a comeback in Hollywood. But the standout was definitely newcomer Zack Gottsagen. Being one of the few actors out there who actually has down syndrome, he plays his part flawlessly. And yes, I know some of you will say that he has a bit of an advantage, but trust me when I say that he is gonna go so far with his career after this. I really hope he gets the recognition he deserves. My only real issue is that there is a subplot in the film that I really didn't feel was necessary. It didn't really add anything, and it's only purpose was to give the story some sort of villain, which it really didn't need in the first place. But all in all, this is an amazing movie. There really hasn't been anything like it, and it deserves to be seen by everyone. It is funny, it is heartwarming, it is so purely and genuinely human, and it is one of my favorite movies of 2019. I give The Peanut Butter Falcon a 9.5/10
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