Movie was Better than Book
15 August 2019
The Color Purple, to me, is one of those rare movies that is better than the book. All of the performances were excellent and I think none were better than Danny Glover as Mister aka Albert. He was so good at being such a horrible human being.

Some of the broader themes from the book were a bit muted in the movie. It was still about Celie (Whoopi Goldberg) and her plight and that couldn't be missed. What was toned down was the lesbianism on the part of Celie as well as the misandry. The book is filled with both overt and subtle misandry to the point that you get the clear impression that the author herself hates men. There's hardly a man in the book that is free of being some type of oppressor of women.

The movie never conveyed that as much as it conveyed Celie's horrible experiences with her father and her husband. Kudos for whoever adapted it for the big screen because it became a better production.
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