The Truck (1977)
Really boring
15 August 2019
I know Marguerite Duras is famous, but The Lorry is one of the most boring movies I've ever sat through. I wonder if even her biggest fans enjoyed this one. Perhaps they did, since they got to pretend they were hanging out in her living room while she spitballed her next story idea.

When I tell you that nothing happens in this movie, it's actually true. For eighty minutes, Marguerite sits at a table in her home and talks about a movie she's going to make. Sometimes she reads aloud passages from the script and sometimes she just talks about her vision for what would happen. Sometimes the film cuts to exterior shots of the open road, since her would-be movie is about a hitchhiker in a truck. Sometimes there are long silences. Sometimes her one-person audience, Gérard Depardieu, asks a question. Sometimes he just sits there and turns the page of the script. If you have insomnia and sleeping pills don't work, put this movie on for ten minutes. It worked for me several times.
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