Nekrotronic (2018)
It's kind of dumb and probably not worth your time.
15 August 2019
This is definitely an independent film. Kind of a dumb story where demons and demon-hunters have fought for years. Except it's modern day, and of course, cellphones are involved. Though it's so secondary that I shouldn't even mention it.

For a B movie, it has nice sets and effects, structure and pace. But it's terribly generic and uninspired, and something not really worth recommending. Though you can watch it at around x1.77 speed without issues and not waste that much time (it's an hour and 36min long movie). The cast doesn't really stand out (specially the main protagonist, if you can even call him that, since he is kind of the most useless), but they deliver their lines properly, and even cry and emote like real actors. Just one of them is annoying in his performance. I quite like Monica Belucci's over the top acting in it, if I had to pick someone. Aside from it, there is nothing else to talk about. Not choreography-wise, score, costume design.. there are no memorable lines, nor a deep discussion about anything even remotely philosophical or moral. The lore is not particularly interesting, it felt rushed and without love.

If you are like me, and you start to pay attention to how it was made (because you are taken out of the movie), you start to notice that it is a very competent movie. Camera, angles, colors / lighting, content.. it's very well made!! Props to the director of photography.

I'd say, if you are a friend of anyone in the film, you might feel inclined to watching it. Otherwise, there's better stuff out there.
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