Better than part II, but yet not up to par with part I...
14 August 2019
Right, third Mothra movie in 3 years (1996, 1997 and 1998). It started out alright, but then just got more and more stupid actually.

I am glad to see that the 1998 movie didn't do what the 1997 movie did off of the 1996 movie, which was a blatant copy and paste job. At least the writer, Masumi Suetani, went for a whole new direction with "Mosura 3: Kingu Gidora raishu" (aka "Rebirth of Mothra 3"). So that was good.

But that is where I have to stop for a moment and comment on that different approach, which wasn't all so good after all. In this third movie, Mothra travels back in time to stop King Gidorah. Yeah, time travels. You didn't read that wrong. That was a bit too odd for my liking. Sure, it was original thinking and out-of-the-box. But time travel? Come on...

The movie does have the same level of special effects as the previous two movies, for better or worse. The effects are good enough for the movie, though they bear witness to being aged by today's standards. And you shouldn't be expecting to be blown away by an array of dazzling effects. However, I will say that they upped their game with the appearance of Mothra in this 1998 movie. So that was cool.

And while we are on the special effects; odd how they managed to obtain a good level of effects on Mothra and Gidorah, but the dinosaur effects were just downright laughable and nowhere near being realistic enough to pass as being believable.

The acting in the movie was adequate. Well, you know what you are getting yourself into here with this Kaiju movies. And for some reason the Mothra movies always have children as the main protagonists. And that was also the case in the 1998 "Rebirth of Mothra 3" movie.

"Rebirth of Mothra 3" was enjoyable and entertaining for sure. I just personally wasn't a fan of the time traveling aspect. My rating of this 1998 addition to the Mothra legacy lands on a very mediocre five out of ten stars.
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