Age of Summer (2018)
Peckerwoods friend
14 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The story is about a group of american trainee life guards both teenage boys and girls. The main charcater is moves to new town with bmx and see's this girl who he believes is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, baywatch this film is not. The recruits are learning their skills from a loud bullying coach from Australia, who seems to get off on writting messages on the backs of his weakest recruits. The main character Minnesota best friend peckerwood struggle to fit in with the older boys who seem to rule the roost. Minnersotas bike gets stollen and he's sent on wild goosechase meeting local hobo on his journey only to find nothing. The group also use him to steel a cannibis plant from local rockstar. After finding nothing in seach for bike he is given a skateboad by the hobo hippy called rock man because he some how lives on the sea defence rocks, only for a local thug claiming it's his board and is about to kick his ass, when he is rescued by the life guard members and becomes part of thier group and gets to join their group. After becoming part of the group ditches peckerwood and he gets to share in thier fun with access to secret stash of porno magazines and girls and joins in spin the bottle game only to be kissing another girl. Latter he and the girl he does like are drawn closer together when them and their coach is called out to a drownig person only to discover a dead local boy a kind of ( stand by me copy) turnning point and the girl he likes is upset by what she sees explains that her own brother died by drowning. The film has amazing shots of surfing,but lacks the grounding of a good story and was neither a comedy of a great comming of age story but a mixed up film and pointless. The missing bike is then included in end shot at bottom of ocean, why?
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