WrestleMania XXX (2014 TV Special)
30 times the Mania
13 August 2019
This is one of my favorite WrestleMania's, no. 5 in my book. It's fitting as it's the 30th anniversary of the series so it's cool they made it count. Really liked the into which was not just by one legendary wrestler but thee, it was awesome as all three are my favorite wrestlers.

Even really like some of the little clips where we saw some more wrestling legends and others familiar faces that were part of the WWE, it just makes us appreciate them and reminds us that without these people we wouldn't have a WWE and WrestleMania today.

Really like the first one on one match with Triple H and Daniel Bryant. Daniel Brynt is I feel an underrated wrestler and he's one of my favorites because he always surprises you let alone underdog you love to route for, really love that Yes slogan he's got going which I think is a good message for anyone, that just needs to say it to themselves when things seem the most difficult. This mania was no doubt his as it gave him a chance to truly shine.

The match felt as though it could've gone either way Triple H no doubt was hitting Daniel's where it hurt most of the time literally. Like using the table outside the ring to perform a drop bomb on his shoulder, one word to say to that ouch. But Daniel just always seemed to bounce back and deliver Triple H payback, from delivering drop kicks and even German duplexes against H.

The tag team and triple team with The Shield and the outlaws was good if nothing too special. Really liked that moment when all three of the Shield had one of the outlaws cornered and each of the mad vicious looks, seeing that moment I already knew the outlaw was a dead man.

The Andre the Giant memorial royale rumble match was fun and touching considering it was the honor Andre. The match plays out like a live action 'Where's Waldo" art illustration as we see 30 wrestlers crammed into one ring pounding the heck out of one another an most of the wrestlers go out like flies. There are a lot of good moments in this match like seeing Shamus give out multiple chest smacks toward one opponent, like he was just chopping down a tree and one word to say after that, timber.

The match against Cena and Chris Bray was good, that one really looked like it could have gone either way. Though personally I would've liked it more if things went the other way around, once you see the ending of the match, you'll know what I mean. I really liked Chris Bray in this he another wrestler I think is a bit underrated, his character is just colorful as he's crazy. His character is on this nutty crusade to destroy Cena and his legacy by bring out the monster inside of him.

Throughout the match he is throwing Cena around while playing mind games or applying his evil psychic powers against the guy. We kind of see a few times where Bray came pretty close, really like those moments when he is holding Cena's head and he is just singing the song, "Whole world in his hands." Yeah, I know crazy but Bray isn't that for nothing.

There is the big match with two of my favorite wrestlers, Brock Lesner and The Undertaker. It's not too much on the fast side but in a way that sort of made the match feel more real as we see both of them were just giving it their all.

Once again it really feels like it could have gone either way, and personally I actually wouldn't of minded if it did go the other way, though that's just me and how I feel about one particular wrestler. But I'll just say this match had the biggest upset ever, I honestly didn't see it coming along with most to all the audience. It really was interesting as it was the first time, I seen a WWE audience in utter silence for mere minutes. I won't say what this upset is but as an old saying goes "all good things come to an end".

Of course, the final match the three way match was great and the last one David Bryant was in. It was just great seeing all three Randy Orton, Batista, and David just giving it their all, pounding the hell out of one another from the typical techniques to even dirty tricks.

Really liked David as once again he was just flying with fury, delivering multiple round house kicks toward Orton, one moment where he was delivering round house kicks to both Orton and Batista back and forth and finishing them off with a crescent kick each.

Then just bouncing like a ping pong ball delivering power kicks to both. Of course, Orton and Batista got to deliver damage toward David as well as each other, just seeing both Orton and Batista hitting David where it hurt just really made you want David to win more.

Overall a great way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the great Wrestling event, hopefully the same can be said for 35, 40, and the many more to come throughout the years. "WrestleMania 30 is 30 times the mania and 30 times the fun.

Rating: 4 stars
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