Meadowland (2015)
This movie is so slow and boring, do not waste your time
9 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I would have given this move 1 star, but I didn't want to be as cruel as the writer and director of this movie were to anyone who chose to watch this movie. Meadowland is boring, slow and unrealistic. I kept watching thinking this movie can't be this bad, the cast includes some really good actors, so I kept watching hoping it would get better, it didn't. The only interesting part was when Olivia Wilde's character is on the roof getting high with her brother-in-law, and she walks towards the ledge. I was thinking ok, good, she is about to jump to her death, finally some excitement, but alas, she doesn't jump. This is how boring this movie is! This is how much you won't care about these characters! Instead of them doing everything in their power to find their child, which is what any normal parent would do, these two just fall apart and are completely useless. I don't care if it's been a year, you never give up, you never stop fighting to find your kid. I ended up hating them both for their weaknesses. She spent way too much time doing dumb, unproductive, useless stuff. and hanging out with a child that was not hers, which would never have been allowed in the real world. Luke Wilson's character set Cops back 30 years by being portrayed as a crooked cop who would give the address of the man who was guilty of vehicular manslaughter, (for killing the daughter of one of his bereavement buddies), to the girl's father so he could get revenge. What the....! Really?! This movie was just an incredible waste of time, don't do it, you will be very disappointed.
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