It's Okay...
5 August 2019
This isn't a terrible romantic comedy. I am certainly not the target demographic, and though I've given this film a 2.5/5 star rating, I think it's a film that people like my mom would like. There are movies out there that work much better for some people than they do for others, and the schmaltzy, cheesy romance stuff doesn't always work for me unless the characters are ones that I actually care about. In this film, I thought the characters were likeable, but I didn't care about them. The humor also felt a touch one note. The dad crying in the closet was a gag that was used repeatedly; at first it grew funnier with every time, but then the gag kept getting used, and it went beyond the realm of funny and into the realm of annoying. By the fifth or sixth time the gag was used, I wondered how many more times I would have to hear that bloody song before the credits rolled.
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