SeaChange (1998–2019)
Glad to see it's making a comeback
4 August 2019
First up, I am Australian, and I am not a fan of Australian content, as I find that if you turn the sound off, you don't know if you're watching a comedy or a drama (movie or series), it all looks like a bad episode of Home and Away or Neighbors,same actors over and over again, most of it is trying too hard to be something it isn't......But, when they get get it right, it is usually a cracker. Take Rosehaven for instance, quirky, inoffensive and easy to watch. just like Seachange. Now I didn't take to Seachange straight away, I watched a few episodes purely to see my old stomping ground. (the courthouse was where my band Valhalla used to practice, among other memories), but damn if this show didn't win me over, I started to like and care about the characters, much to my surprise. The drama's were believable and genuine, the comedy was light and funny, the whole show just got it....well, maybe not perfect, but pretty close

Highly recommended to any one who is sick of all the rubbish we're being force fed. So, while I wait for the next season of Rosehaven, I will enjoy the comeback of Seachange
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