Santa Jaws (2018)
There is room for a better holiday shark movie.
2 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Santa Jaws" is yet another goofy shark movie to come out from SyFy lately. We have seen Nightmare Sharks, Ghost Sharks, and Jersey Sharks so why not a Christmas Shark? Unlike any of the other films I've mentioned this one gives you the feeling that it was just a funny conversation between the director Misty Talley and writer Jack Kiernan. Ms. Talley directed Zombie Shark which is much better than this film, so it's disappointing to see her make something this poor quality. That film at least has a plot which is more than can be said here.

Nothing really happens in this film. Cody, the main character receives a pen from his grandfather which can bring alive anything it animates. Cody is drawing panels for his friend Steve who created the titular character. Of course Santa Jaws comes to life and goes on a rampage. The script missed an opportunity to establish a connection between Cody and Santa Jaws. Why is she just a monster that reaches out of the water to boringly eat people? Cody describes her as having super powers. What does she do with them? I would have liked to see some of the comic's story play out in real life. Instead, Cody, Steve and several other people we don't get to know or care about hunt her for the movie.

There is a lot of pointless running around from Cody's house to a comic book store and a dock. It's almost as if the budget didn't permit any more than those locations and Cody's house. The direction in these sequences is flat without anything to break up the tedium. Some scenes are poorly edited. When one character is attacked, you cannot tell how far away from her Santa Jaws is. It looks like she just sinks into the eater. The scenery gives away that this Christmas movie was filmed in summer.

For some reason, the script makes some characters to be as annoying as possible. Steve constantly likes to brag that he is the person who wrote the comic. Cody is just the animator. Cody's mother never believes him kind of like how the mother didn't believe the main character in Zombie Shark. Maybe Ms. Talley doesn't get along with her mother?

The film does attempt to mesh its two unusual themes together. Cody's grandpa is your stereotypical movie grandpa who gives good advice about talking to girls before being eaten by Santa Jaws. The scene between them while they are fishing would fit into any Hallmark Christmas movie. Santa Jaws can only be harmed if she is struck with Christmas-themed objects. The christmas light attack sequences that follows is amusing. She is a comic book character so giving her a Superman-style weakness makes sense. The ending is a huge ripoff of the first Goosebumps movie. That film is a better version of this one. There, the characters are dumbfounded by all the shenanigans coming to life from a novel.

This is a gimmicky trailer movie that lasts too long and under delivers in all aspects. The movie is so self aware that any sense of fun is sucked out because you feel like even the main characters are in on the joke. I suggest watching the trailer and trying any other film on Mill Creek's Shark Bait set where you would be most likely to see this film.
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