"Hopelessly devoted to you" like the song in "Grease" yet Real & raw
28 July 2019
I read the one review posted here on this IMDB site and i was compelled to write a rebuttal as to why this film works perfectly in its depiction of a situation that happens more often to men - regardless of orientation - than they are willing to talk about and how perfectly crafted to real life the responses are. And If did not know better, this story could have easily happened anywhere because it has all of the ingredients of real life situation and how people in this situation would handle it. At the end of the day, human are unpredictable. You don't choose who you fall for, you just do. And the response to the advances can be controlled, or as well as varied- or worse adverse.

This is a film a friend of mine would love to study. He writes books on how and why straight identified men have sex with men. This is a great testament and study to the many blogs I've read about the subject matter. At the end of the day, we are all looking for love. The circumstances surrounding this film are not unique to this film. On the contrary it happens all the time in everyday life. You find someone you like and you put your best foot forward to impress them and hopefully you'd get the reaction you expect from of your efforts (he payoff). That is what principal host of the story, Ivan, does with his guest. He is smitten by one of his guest and chooses to go for it. Something people do everyday when they are fall for someone. There is nothing singular about his action or behavior. In a nutshell, is only human to chase the object of your affections regardless of the gender or orientation to hopefully reciprocal results. Sometime you get so wrapped up in your head and upon receiving the desired attention expected, you see yourself fully immerse in a romantic situation. Many time you are so deep in it, you feel you are drowning in it, even though those surrounding you may see a different outcome. Now many may point out that this situation in the film maybe doomed - or maybe not -we don't know this and frankly every situation in different, and generalizing it would only suggest that every marriage would end in divorce and we know that not to be true. The filmmaker magnifically manages the nuances and the responses of each to the characters to authentic responses. The complicated story is told so detailed you can't help to wonder if the filmmaker himself might have had this situation. Anyone who sees this film will be able to relate. We live in a society that is trending towards people being their authentic selves even when it comes to their sexuality and sexual proclivities. Yes there is jealousy and other raw emotions as the object of your affection diverts from insinuations and/or returns of your romantic advances - to be then found in the awkward situation of not knowing where you stand with them after believing the acceptance of your come ons are positively returned. Does that borderline obsession? we are all looking for love and when you think you've found it, you take that leap of faith hoping it will be returned and it will last. In a nutshell, this film examines the multiple sides to being seduced, lusted after- and loved. The intricacies that go with both the response as well as intent and motivations. In order to fully achieve love, one must open their heart and soul to the opportunity of love or live confined behind the wall of restrictions imposed by politically correct society. You know when a film is good when you wished the film continued past its ending into multiple episodes. It's a story that begs to be told and given the proper consideration, this film would be a Netflix series. The acting, cinematography and production values are superb. The direction is flawless. Any film you watch where you feel the film organically taking you into the world of its protagonist shows a skillful direction in my opinion. I highly recommend this film because I've known many friend who have been in all sides of the situations depicted in this film. It all feels true to how the proceedings unravel. I urge you to to know too much about this film as you go into it. Sit back and let the film take you. You will appreciate this advise as you will want to render your own opinions and views of what you just saw. The only thing I do agree with the reviewer below is I wished we saw a bit more into the the motivations of the protagonist guest. But then again, love/lust can be blind and when not put in proper check, jealousy props its ugly head with its negative consequences. Your opinions will be as diverse as the characters you saw in the film, there is truth to be told as the film is as raw and real to life, specially for anyone who's been down the road of the protagonist. The moral of this film is humans cannot be boxed or pigeonholed. Men are more complex than labels, and to expect the contrary is to set yourself up for failure. Highly, highly recommended viewing.
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