Good portrayal of the furious , fighting Quantrill's guerrillas who carry out bloody and violent raids
27 July 2019
Interesting and colorful film dealing with the bloody Bushwackers , including the Lawrence massacre . Concerning Jesse , Frank James brothers : Audie Murphy , Richard Long , Younger brothers, Cole and James : James Best , Dewey Martin and Dalton: Tony Curtis . They are young men who from Missouri go Kansas to join the Bushwackers militia commanded by William Clarke Quantrill, Brian Donlevy , and Bill Anderson , Scott Brady .They carry out a violent raid on the pro-Union town of Lawrence , Kansas. But Jesse is disillusionated with Quantrill guerrilla executing violent looting and slaughters against innocent civilians. The historic Lawrence Kansas raid ...aflame again in all its fury !

Good Western packs thrills , action , fights and spectacular raids . Brawling , sprawling , almost primitive action in which our protagonist joins the rough band of Bushwackers , but things go wrong when Quantrill and Anderson execute their razzias at whatever means by killing and rampaging , carrying out war crimes . Features impressive as well as moving attack scenes punctuated by great action scenes and thrilling go riding . Audie Murphy gives an acceptable acting as the brave historical figure Jesse James who seeks both , justice and vengeance against Union soldiers who encroached his ranch and killed family . Murphy won more than 10 medals , being the most decorated American soldier , including Congressional Medal of Honor and he was prized by 5 decorative medals by France and Belgium , post-WWII. Murphy starred a great number of Westerns as The kid from Texas , Cimarron kid , Gun point , Night passage , The gunrunners , Posse from hell , Gunfight at Comanche , Rifles Apaches , The unforgiven, Legend of Sam Ward , Whispering Smith , 40 guns at Apache pass , Texas Kid . Here Rebel Murphy falls under the spell of the Southern Major Quantrill very good played by veteran Brian Donlevy , later on , being developed a love triangle among Audie Murphy , Marguerite Chapman and Brian Donlevy .Along with an awesome support cast such as : Scott Brady as Bill Anderson, Tony Curtis as Dalton, Richard Long , Dewey Martin, James Best , Kellogg , George Chandler , Richard Arlen and a minor role by Richard Egan as First Lieutenant, among others.

It contains a colorful and brilliant cinematography by Irving Glassberg , in Universal International Pictures style . As well as evocative and stirring musical score by Milton Rosen . The motion picture was well directed by Ray Enright . He was a western expert , as he directed a lot of Westerns , the first film he made was Trackers by the police , starring Rin Tin Tin , he subsequently directed Bad Men of Missouri, Men of Texas , The spoilers , Sin town, Alburquerque, Montana , Return of the bad Men , South of St Louis , Flaming Father , among others. Rating 7 out 10 western, better than average . Well worth seeing.

The flick based on real deeds , these are the following ones : The Lawrence Massacre, was a rebel guerrilla attack during the U.S. Civil War by Quantrill's Raiders, led by William Clarke Quantrill, on the pro-Union town of Lawrence, Kansas. The attack on August 21, 1863, targeted Lawrence due to the town's long support of abolition and its reputation as a center for Jayhawkers and Redlegs, which were free-state militia and vigilante groups known for attacking and destroying farms and plantations in Missouri's pro-slavery western counties .By 1863, Kansas had long been the center of strife and warfare over the admission of slave versus free states. In the summer of 1856, the first sacking of Lawrence sparked a guerrilla war in Kansas that lasted for months. John Brown might be the best known participant, but numerous groups fought for each side in Bleeding Kansas.By the beginning of the American Civil War, Lawrence, Kansas, was already a target for pro-slavery ire, having been seen as the anti-slavery stronghold in the state and more importantly, a staging area for Union and Jayhawker incursions into Missouri. Initially the town and surrounding area were extremely vigilant and reacted strongly to any rumors that enemy forces might be advancing on the town. However by the summer of 1863, as none of the threats had materialized, citizen fears had declined and defense preparations were relaxed.Quantrill himself said his motivation for the attack was, "To plunder, and destroy the town in retaliation for Osceola. That was a reference to the Union's attack on Osceola, Missouri in September 1861, led by Senator James H. Lane.The attack was the product of careful planning. Quantrill had been able to gain the confidence of many of the leaders of independent Bushwhacker groups, and chose the day and time of the attack well in advance. The different groups of Missouri riders approached Lawrence from the east in several independent columns, and converged with well-timed precision in the final miles before Lawrence during the pre-dawn hours of the chosen day. Many of the men had been riding for over 24 hours to make the rendezvous and had lashed themselves to their saddles to keep riding if they fell asleep. Almost all were armed with multiple six-shot revolvers.Lawrence in ruins as illustrated in Harper's WeeklyBetween three and four hundred riders arrived at the summit of Mount Oread, then descended on Lawrence in a fury. Over four hours, the raiders pillaged and set fire to the town and killed most of its male population. Quantrill's men burned to the ground a quarter of the buildings in Lawrence, including all but two businesses. They looted most of the banks and stores and killed between 185 and 200 men and boys .
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