Welcome to Me (2014)
The writers picked out a random psychiatric disorder out of a hat
27 July 2019
I'm pretty sure the writers just picked a name of a disorder out of a hat at random and proceeded to do no research whatsoever. Instead they showed a character whose strange compulsive habits seem more in line with an intense form of OCD potentially, whose social difficulties seem more in line with Asperger's potentially, and whose remaining bizarre behaviors seem more in line with maybe a mild disorganized schizophrenia?? In any case, the point being - literally nothing she does, says, or any of the ways she behaves coincide with what Borderline Personality Disorder even is so whyyyy are they using it? This is lazy writing. BPD people don't traipse about in public going I'm cRAAAAAaaAAAAAzzzy, or doing other strange things again more in line with schizophrenics or street people or the like. The bulk of problems would not be all that observable to the public eye, except perhaps scarring from self-harm, unless under rare circumstance she experienced some manner of emotional crises in public; otherwise, as it is something more focused about personal self-image, self-identity, and self-worth combined with intense relationship difficulties with loved ones - really only lovers and family and friends would be really coming across any stranger behaviors. Otherwise, no, the bizarre behaviors are not even remotely in keeping with BPD. I think the character's either misdiagnosed or the authors didn't do any research.
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