You have to ask yourself who are the real victims here.
26 July 2019
I gave this one star and it has nothing to do with the quality of the project. It has to do with the accuracy and how it is delivered. When you watch this documentary, you would think that Mr. Hillary is innocent. However, when you research what ex-girlfriend stated and others really stated and saw in the real World, you have very little doubt that he isn't the murderer. It is possible he is innocent. Do I think he is innocent? No! I believe he murdered the boy, If you research the real case you have to go down a couple pages before you get real material from real people related to the facts. The first couple pages in nothing but the documentary (fictional version) in which a model black guy was victimized by not just a town, but the entire region for hundreds of miles and they were out to get him. Yeah....same HBO plot they've been using for decades. I really feel sorry for the family and Garretts friends who have to be slapped in the face over and over by this Atrocity of a film!!
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