Review of Sahara

Sahara (I) (1943)
Bring a bottle of water
24 July 2019
No film has ever made me so thirsty before. I seriously began to feel dehydrated by the end.

"Sahara" was a very serviceable WWII film made during the war itself. Humphrey Bogart is excellent in his role as tank leader and brings both humour and bravado to the role. I expected just a by-the-numbers propaganda film. While it does have propaganda elements, it's a lot more than that.

The entire film felt quite ahead of its time. It wasn't afraid to tackle elements such as race head-on and did so in an effective way. "Sahara" is more a survival adventure tale than it is typical WWII film. Despite that, if I had been a young man seeing this in 1943, it would have inspired me to go out and bring down some Nazis.

The desert landscape is one of the strongest characters in this film. You also can't help but feel 2014's ""Fury barely possessed an original element after seeing this. There are a few cheesy elements scattered throughout, but they don't detract too much from the overall feel.

Recommend both for Bogey fans and those who enjoy WWII cinema.
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