Kung Fu Yoga (2017)
Very entertaining, even with all its flaws!
21 July 2019
Seriously though... I don't understand what all the critics were crying about!

Yes its got dreadful writing, cheesiness galore, and some cuts that make you raise an eyebrow - but it clearly states Stanley Tong is the director, and lets be honest, no one has ever claimed he's the greatest director in the world. But from Stone-age Warriors to China Strike Force (not to mention his fantastic Chan collaborations), it cannot be argued that Stanley Tong doesn't deliver on action scenes and good old entertainment!

And with that, Kung Fu Yoga is a prime example of Tong pure entertainment. Packed with fun action scenes, gorgeous colours, great fight choreography and a fantastic Bollywood dance sequence, you soon start to see past the imperfect CGI moments and the drawn out boring dialogue to enjoy the film for what it is.

Many critics complained so hard about these little things yet as a loyal HK movie fan of 35 years, I say its something we should expect from Tong at this point. The man seems to have set his focus on the US folk creating a safe, brainless, colourful, family friendly film that entertains and will sell easy, with the bonus of having his money making king of action, Jackie Chan front and centre.

And rightly so!

As a loose sequel to his last directorial Chan feature - The Myth - this latest story is lighter in tone, with less focus on the historic bloody battle scenes, and more on the modern day comedy. That said, we are introduced to the story with a fully animated opening set 100 years ago which I thought was great (and personally would love to see more of) but most critics screamed about and compared it to that of a late 90's video game. I guess given a bigger time and budget, it would have been amazing to see this filmed live-action considering the awesome fight scenes and setting.

But again, such minor yelps considering the entertainment value of the whole thing...

At 62 (at time of filming), Jackie Chan still has the ability to fight, move and charm more than most film stars of his age group - and some even younger. Whether wire assisted or not, he still has it and Kung Fu Yoga highlights some great action moments with him. That said, the highlights of the fighting are handed over to the youth in the shape of the handsome Aarif Kim (Young Bruce Lee) who's moves are as cool as his charm, and I hope he continues down the action route in the near future.

All of the cast get to throw some kicks and punches, with some great results that give a few nods to the fantastic Operation Condor (Armour of God 2), and even Chinese Zodiac. The stunt filled super-car chase through Dubai was a lot of fun and had Tong written all over it, and thankfully - unlike the earlier Chan & Tong flicks - we get a final fight scene with all involved, that includes some fun choreography and great moves!

And just before you start thinking Stanley Tong is giving us back the good old Jackie Chan 'end of film' formula we get surprised and treated to a full-on Bollywood musical number that replaces the NG's and bloopers we always look forward to in a Chan flick. Well, I guess you can't have everything eh? Once again, the critics starting crying about this, but I just don't get why! A wonderfully choreographed number, you can see the genuine happiness in Jackie's face, with a great song and music that sticks in your head. Yes its different, and yes, it does work! The film is a Chinese and Indian production after all with lots of kung fu - but not a lot of yoga - so I'm happy that they closed the film in a typically Bollywood fashion, and done right also.

Kung Fu Yoga doesn't suck! Its good solid 'family' entertainment with great action, comedy and Jackie Chan. Sure, Stanley Tong will never be my favourite director, but he's made a Chan flick that is more fun than The Tuxedo, The Spy Next Door, Skiptrace and for me, even Rush Hour...

And as long I can continue to enjoy watching my hero kick some ass and make me laugh, I'm quite happy to give this the thumbs up!
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