"Sharknado" Comes To Lifetime
17 July 2019
Not literally, of course. But c'mon, these "Stalked by My Doctor" movies are pretty much the same as the "Sharknado" movies. By which I mean over-the-top acting, with absurd plots (even by Lifetime standards), to be taken tongue-in-cheek, not seriously.

Eric Roberts seems to enjoy himself as he chews the scenery as the evil doctor with the split personality. Everyone else tries to keep a straight face as they play their ridiculous and stereotypical roles. I doubt if the girl who played "Katie" will be using this in her portfolio to try to get other jobs, just as one example.

These movies are kind of fun, not to be taken seriously. Not that many Lifetime movies should be, but these least of all.

So, why 7 stars? Just because you can put your brain on hold for 2 hours and let the silliness distract you for a while.
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