Review of Seed

The Walking Dead: Seed (2012)
Season 3, Episode 1
Great start, but a bit sad. 😢
15 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Like the previous episodes of the walking dead, this episode is also a good one. It gives me excitements especially when they are entering into deeper section of the prison. It seems like the whole zombie group in that prison went to that place. The outer layer doesn't have zombie that much. But when they got into the inner layer of the prison, they found out there were a lot of zombies much more than they thought.

This episode is where someone went down. It's Hershel. But it's good that he's only lost a leg. Still, it's very sad. The prison is too big and roomy. Yet, it's still a prison. It gives some people feel uncomfortable. I mean they have faced a lot of bad things in the past and deserved a better place rather than a prison. A warm house and a proper bed. But they haven't got it yet. So, it's terrible for them.

Before I saw the scene where Hershel got bit, I wish no more person gets hurt. But my wish didn't come true. They made another to get hurt. It's really sad to see someone in that group gets hurt.

As for Lori, she's very emotional woman. I mean they are facing terrible things. So, it's very understandable that she might get those feelings. As Chinese saying, Ye Chang Meng Duo (the long night makes many dreams), it used to describe if a person thinks too much, they will have misleading thoughts. Just like that, Lori is having such condition. And I kind of happy to see the baby is about to be born. I wish the baby could survive even if the current condition isn't good.

I can't stop wondering why black woman who is with Andrea is having two zombies with her. They haven't explained this one yet. So, I'm so interesting in her. I mean in such condition, it's not good to have a zombie with her. She even have two. There's gonna be a story. I'm looking forward to it.

After I watched this episode, I hope Hershel would make it. He's a great guy. Losing a leg is the worst thing already. Don't let him die. *praying* Moreover, Lori needs him. So, I'm like let him live, please. 😁

Another thing I want to mention is the last scene. It gives a start of another story. Finally, we get to see the other people are still alive too. I just hope that they are good people unlike that group of those two people Rick killed.

All in all, it's a good start. So, I think this season 3 will also be good like previous two seasons. I can't wait to watch the rest of the episode. Well done, The Walking Dead Casts and Crews.
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