15 July 2019
Ok, as a huge fan of the entire franchise, I was hopeful. First, it's odd how they cherry picked a few things (puddle, travel effect, kawoosh) but not others (chevrons are not red, don't light up, no sound effects that match).

The cast was smalllllllll. It felt like it was trying to fit as a long forgotten episode to SG1, but, what, we retcon the entire history?

The would have been better off doing an Indiana Jones....Nazi party steals stargate, they fight to recover, accidentally activate to see the gate activate, but don't know what it is.,..leading Langford to go to the US government and start experimenting, which brings us to The Torment of Tantalus and Ernest Littlefield. Could have been a beautiful tie in back story.

But they didn't.

I suggest treating like a fan movie.....not cannon......NOT CANNON.

Oh.....if you wanted more stargate, you could have finished the story of Destiny on SGU....l.which I felt was the best sci to show I've ever seen, and this coming from a guy with a Klingon tattoo and Star Trek vanity plates (yeah, SGU was that good).
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