A couple of bright spots, but mediocre overall
13 July 2019
So, yeah, I finally got around to seeing Spider-Man: Far From Home. Meh. I know it's primarily a YA movie, but I expected more "pop" and fun judging from all the positive feedback I've heard. I was largely bored.

Other than Ned (or Ganke) all the supporting cast was lifeless to awful (looking at you, JB Smoove), having lost any charm they had from the first movie. Why anyone would be interested in this one-note, repetitively morose version of "MJ" is beyond me. Tom Holland is still fantastic as Peter/Spidey. Samuel L Jackson just looks tired and Jake Gyllenhaal phones in possibly the flattest performance I've ever seen from him. As with most MCU movies, the humor is plastic and forced. The writers also repeatedly screwed up the rules of the "blip."

On the plus side, there are some very cool action and F/X scenes - especially during the final battle.

There's also a scene in the middle of the movie that is EVERYTHING I've always wanted in an onscreen Spidey vs Mysterio confrontation. Pure magic!

Sure, the plot was always going to be 100% predictable (unless you've never read a Spider-Man comic or watched a cartoon in your life), but these movies aren't made for comic book fans. So I was fine with that, as long the execution was good. It wasn't bad... just mediocre. A nice, safe film for the family.

There are two post movie scenes - one mid-credits that screws up continuity, makes very little narrative sense, and looks awful - and a second one at the very end of one of the longest credit scrolls in history that ties directly into one of the worst MCU movies, is painfully unfunny, and seriously lowers my interest in seeing any further MCU product.

In the end Spider-Man: Far From Home is, with the exception of 2 extremely bright spots, a fairly banal, tween product for the masses. So of course, it's going to make a crapload of money (636 million worldwide and counting).

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