Couldve been better if it was really funny and less over the top....
9 July 2019
So basically I curiously came across this anime because its one of the anime that is banned in New Zealand due to its "promoting and supporting the exploitation of children and young persons for sexual purposes" (Thanks Wikipedia for that!). I do agree on that part because a few of the adult characters were a bit inappropriate towards the kids in this anime. In all serious, this anime is not for kids folks!

That bit did throw me off but what really threw off more with this anime is that, it was trying to be funny when it actually wasn't. It's probably because I'm not a big fan of Excel Saga series in which brings me headache flashbacks. Although both stories weren't great so that's probably another reason too!

The only good thing about the anime though is the sub cast and the opening song. Yes seeing a young girl singing on a beach is rather bizarre for an anime opening but I like that it was purely different and pretty upbeat. With the sub cast, Yumiko Kobayashi did a great job taking the pee out of herself with her character but same time, it would have been better if her character wasn't exactly a Excel wannabe.

This is all just my own personal opinion folks, do watch it if you are a fan of the Excel Saga series but be prepared for being uncomfortable in some of the scenes is all I can say....
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