Pretty lame
9 July 2019
"Scorpio Rising" is one of those short films that has words like "avant-garde", "post-modernist", or "surreal" bandied around in its description, but the only thing strange about it is the lack of genuine interest it provokes. It's a movie without plot or point, and doesn't even work as smut or shock value.

The movie basically just shows a group of bikers working on their bikes, putting on the accessories of their gang, and riding away. Intercut is some footage of Marlon Brando in "The Wild One", and what looks like a movie about religion. The most 'shocking' moment, which of course is not shocking at all today, apparently shows a man having his pants yanked down and mustard poured on his abdomen as though he is a hot dog.

If you freeze frame it you might be able to get the briefest glimpse of the top part of the man's junk, or maybe just his pubic hair, which probably would have been scandalous in '63.

The movie also has a constant soundtrack of rock hits from the year the movie was made. As soon as one song stops, another starts, like a jukebox, hence these songs don't really underline any action on the screen - not that there is much action.

Supposedly Anger was some kind of occultist, but I'd be lying if I said I got that from this. It's just guys getting their biker kit on. Big deal.
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