The Sopranos: Pine Barrens (2001)
Season 3, Episode 11
The Adventures of Paulie and Chris / Fargo 2?
6 July 2019
This episode stands out because of the quirky tone. I fully understood why this was the case when I saw it was directed by Steve Buscemi, who's undoubtedly taken notes from the Coen brothers. The tone works so well with the 2 main characters in the episode, Chris, and especially Paulie, who often stand for the laughs.

It's got all the ingredients for a great dark comedy. Paulie and Chris get lost in the woods while looking for a crazy russian they thought was dead. They keep calling Tony for help and this results in him having a steak thrown at him.

While the drama is there, this is the first time 'The Sopranos' has felt like a mostly comedic attempt to make fun of the characters, which is exactly what the show sometimes need.
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