Lucy Calls the President (1977 TV Movie)
An interesting window into the early part of Jimmy Carter's presidency
30 June 2019
I think I was 7 or 8 when this was on TV - so honestly I'm only giving it a 7 because I remember my parents thought it was good. My brother and I thought it lacked the zaniness of Lucy's previous sitcoms - but in retrospect I suspect she was eschewing the more slapstick-oriented style of the sitcoms for more sophisticated humor.

What I remember most, though, is how it presented a view Jimmy Carter's presidency early on in his first and only term that has largely been lost to history.

Believe it or not, people were actually kind of excited about Jimmy Carter at the beginning of his presidency. After Vietnam and Watergate, America wanted a nice, normal-guy kind of president - and Jimmy Carter fit the bill perfectly. And although people mostly remember Carter mostly for out-of-control inflation and his inability to handle the Iran hostage crisis - he actually set some landmark precedents for how US presidents conduct themselves. For starters - he was the first US president to ask to be called by his nickname throughout his candidacy and presidency.

Richard Nixon was Dick Nixon to his friends and 'Tricky Dick' to his enemies - but was always Richard Nixon in any official capacity. And I'm pretty certain it never crossed Lucille Ball's mind to do a TV movie in which she invited him over for dinner.

Whatever his limitations as a president, Jimmy Carter was always just Jimmy to his friends, his enemies, and to the country as a whole. And one of the very few Lucy and the rest of us would be happy to have for dinner.
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