Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Superhero Masterpiece
30 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers

I love this movie. And the Raimi trilogy as a whole. They are truly up there with the Dark Knight or Lord of the Rings trilogies. And Spider-Man 2 is, no surprise, the best in that trilogy.

Why I Love It:

I really like the writing of this movie. The world is just as vibrant as it was in the first movie. The writing is just as perfect as it was in the first movie. And characters are even better than in the first.

This movie creates the perfect film protagonist, in the form of Peter Parker. And it's not for the performance, or the writing of the character, but how the story drives the character. Now, what do I mean by that? Well I mean, the fact that he gets beaten on and treated terribly by everyone in the movie.

Starting with him getting fired from his job, throughout the film he is yelled at, bur-rated, looses his powers, and is put under incredible stress. But, by the end of the film, he is able to leap above his problems. And become a better person.

I wasn't a huge fan of Mary Jane in the film. But the romance between them is heavily improved in this film. As she starts out by dating another guy because Peter rejected her, it was simply out if spite, but by the end of the film, she learns from that.

The story of Harry Osborn is also expanded upon, as he feels a need for revenge on Spider-Man, after the death of his father. As we see him on a verge of transforming into something he's not. Being consumed by revenge.

Aunt May is one of my favorite characters in this franchise, truly feeling like a sort of parental figure. And she feels like a real parent. And acts like a real person. Like in the scene where Peter tells her that he was partly responsible for Uncle Ben's death. And instead of instantly forgiving him, she leaves. Which is more like the reaction of a real person.

The villain of the film, Doctor Octopus, was also pretty interesting. Starting out as a smart scientist and good-hearted person. He's turned into an evil super villain, by an experiment gone wrong, being controlled by his technology, he goes on a crusade to finish the experiment he started. And it's very interesting to watch his fall from Grace, and eventual redemption.

I would like talk the action scenes in this film. Such as, the famous train scene, even though the effects are not as amazing as they were back then. The scene is still an adrenaline rush, by the end of the scene, I feel like I need a brake.

I would also like to talk about a specific scene. The cake scene. Easily, one of the best scenes of the film. As throughout the film, Peter was getting dumped on, no one treated him with respect, or supported him through his issues. However, when the landlord's daughter, offers him cake, someone finally did something nice for him. And this little act of kindness, goes a long way.

I also enjoyed the effects, while dated, for the time, they were amazing. And won the film an Oscar. And the film has the same Sam Raimi flare. With bright colors and vibrant locations that really make it look like a comic book.


I love the movie. And it's a true masterpiece of the superhero genre. It's entertaining, the characters are great, the story is great, everything is great. It's a film I have a hard time finding flaws with, and a film I will always rewatch.
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