Review of Recall

Recall (2017)
Plot Twist? What Twist?
29 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had the potential of being interesting, but there were just too many implausible scenes. (1) The mafia is going to leave two million dollars in an unlocked, unguarded car at night with the keys left in the ignition so that someone can just walk up to it and drive it away? (2) Sal, the aging mafia boss, is going to be so good with a gun that he can shoot to death all of the opposing gang members (with guns) in his restaurant and never sustain a scratch? (3) Nicole was murdered by a gunman out in the dark of night for no reason at all?

I have no idea why some reviewers say there is a twist ending. I see no twist at all. I just see Mikey stopping along a road at night, getting out of his car, and falling onto the road. Are we supposed to guess that he collapsed from a drug overdose? And are we also supposed to guess that he died there? If so, that's not a twist. He told his step-brother earlier in the film that if he wanted to die, that's the way he would do it. And what happened to step-brother Dale, the other main character? Did the mafia henchman John shoot him? It never showed it. And what happened to Alexis?

The movie ended without our knowing whether the two main characters lived or died and whether the mafia boss recovered his money. This is what I call a rip-off movie. The viewer watches it all the way through and then, when the credits start rolling, he finds out that there are no definite conclusions. Who can enjoy a movie like that?
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