Great series for ALL the wrong reasons!
28 June 2019
Sorry if my review gets a little critical but here I go.

What I loved about the series is showing the mountain and the routes. The weather, and what it takes to climb from a mountaineering perspective.

Which is what I am.

I can assure you that the vast majority of paid clients could NEVER reach the summit on their own. But up they go because it's no longer a climb nor an expedition.

You have the real climbers, the heroes, doing all the technical work and turning this mountain into a multi-day hike. That's all it is. No skills required. It's a high altitude hike. Get lucky with your health and objective weather hazards and you are good to go. You walk, that's all you do.

The logjams of people is so annoying and ruins it for me. Yes, I like the personalities of a few (Tim) but I watch this series for the mountain.

Regarding all the "death" talk. That is nothing but media hype. Yes people die, but not even remotely at the rate they say. It's quite safe (relatively speaking) and very very few die in relation to those that try and those that make it.

Any mountain requires respect. Disrespect the mountain and you can die. The media dwells on Everest Death Rates. Get over it.

You have a mountain that is 29,035 feet tall encased in rock/snow/ice. You know that going in. You know the risks. You choose to do it.

More people have died in the Sierra/Cascades/Rockies/Alaska than all the 8000 meter peaks combined. Yet we don't hear about that. Why? It's not Everest and there is no dramatic media attention drawn to it.

But now they allow people with money to buy their way to the top....it's crazy.

Other than getting to the highest point on the planet what is really the point.

When Everest becomes old hat, what's next? K2? Nope, because that requires skill.

Great photography. I loved it. I also now have a far greater appreciation for the Sherpa's that make it all possible. They are mountaineers, the real mountain climbers.... not a bunch of wannabes with excess cash that can walk their way to the summit.

The professional guides and sherpas are the heroes and the ones that put their life on the line so people can walk to the top.

Great series.
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