Review of Jarhead

Jarhead (2005)
Trained for war
25 June 2019
Jarhead is based n the memoirs of the real Anthony Swofford and his time in the United States Marines. Jake Gyllenhaal. When you're trained for war the hardest thing sometimes to do is stand and wait.

Which was what back in the early 90s the Marines and the rest of the coalition sat and waited in Saudi Arabia for about 6 months. Days when being cool meant the temperature was only in double digits fahrenheit.

Gyllenhaal is not the most gung ho marine out there. In fact during basic he scrapes by. But the man can shoot and Sergeant Jamie Foxx thinks he would be good for special sniper training.

Gyllenhaal is something of an intellectual and a Marine barracks is not a place where one usually finds them. But the memoirs of Anthony Swofford in this time provide a nice insight into these troops trained for war and finding no outlet.

Jarhead might be the film concerning Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
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