Review of The Asphyx

The Asphyx (1972)
High brow, low power
16 June 2019
Life after death - or rather what happens at the moment when our soul leaves our body (if you believe we have a soul that is)? This high brow concept and the capturing of an essence felt a bit like the Hammer horror tropes. I was fortunate enough to buy the restored version of this. The DVD did show the difference between this version and the one previously released - it would be unfair to judge the movie based on that meddled version, which cropped and "Pan&Scan" too.

Anyway, if you are aware of the "classic" horror movies you will have a sense of what to expect. For other viewers it is important to keep in mind that there was a formula and a mood these movies followed. You may feel that they are annoying or boring or something else that is unpleasant to watch. But the art direction, the camera and the acting is spot on - or at least as intended (yes drama baby! You had to have it)
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