A bit more true than the later film.
15 June 2019
If you want a true account of the von Trapp family, you'd best read up on it yourself. While there have been movie accounts (including "The Sound of Music"), all take liberties with the facts. "Die Trapp-Familie" is closer to the truth, but it still feels a lot like the Hollywoodized film.

The version of this movie I watched combined both "Die Trapp-Familie" with its sequel, "The Trapp Family in America", into one movie....and it was dubbed into English as well...at least most of it. The songs, in contrast, were all sung in German.

In this less musical version, the only singing you mostly hear is when the family is performing in concerts...and the style of music is nothing like any you hear in "The Sound of Music". "The Sound of Music", simply put, has great music written for it....and the German-made films feature mostly classical style and religious tunes.

I could recount the plot...but most everybody knows about the family. So instead, let's talk about what was good and bad about the movie. The singing was, at times, dull and the entire movie looks and sounds like the Hollywood film but with a cheaper look to it. It is interesting but flat. Overall, it's similar enough to the more famous film that most won't want to bother with this one. Mostly it's a film for the very curious.
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