Two Pigeons (2017)
Are you in the flat alone?
13 June 2019
Estate agent Hussein (Mim Shaikh) shares a small London apartment with his girlfriend Mel (Mandeep Dhillon), but, unbeknownst to the young couple, the flat is also home to a strange Spaniard called Orlan (Javier Botet), who conceals himself about the place, emerging whenever the coast is clear to carry out a series of unsavoury acts designed to ruin Hussein's life.

A stranger hiding unnoticed in a home isn't exactly a new idea (for similarly themed films, see Hider In The House, and to some extent, A Crack In The Floor, both of which star Gary Busey). Despite this, the film still manages to hold quite a few surprises, delivering plenty of twisted humour and a keen sense of the absurd. Director Dominic Bridges' slowburn approach is effective, Orlan's activities starting out as relatively innocuous, but, as the film progresses, taken to more and more extreme levels. Shaikh and Dhillon do well as the the clueless victims, but is Botet who is the film's strongest suit, his extremely slight frame and long gangly limbs making him a memorably disturbing character.

Unfortunately, as good as the build up is, the finalé proves frustratingly tame: rather than opt for the truly disturbing ending the film deserves, Bridges delivers a finish that is both rushed and ultimately unsatisfying, Orlan's final punishment for Hussein not nearly as nasty as one might expect.

***EDIT*** Having just finished watching Spanish thriller Sleep Tight (2011), I now realise that Freehold's basic premise is even more derivative than I thought. I'm tempted to deduct a point for lack of originality, but will leave my rating at a 7 for the time being.***
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