The Day After (1983 TV Movie)
Thought provoking.
12 June 2019
Oh, how wonderful it is to see a disaster film without CGI at every turn, and actually being shot on location and not in a studio! Now, this was REAL film making.

In the build-up to the war, it's interesting that we never actually see what is happening. We learn the events as the story unfolds on TV or radio. This lends more realism to the story, as we know just as much as the characters, and hear what's going on as they do.

The film is obviously dated by today's standard, but it is still an interesting watch and rather exciting, too. This must have been incredible at the time of release. 'The Day After' is ultimately a very sad film, and rightfully so, as it warns us of the effects of a nuclear disaster. Indeed a very thought provoking film.
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